Skokie Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s carelessness, you can seek compensation for your losses by working with a qualified Skokie injury lawyer.

The damage of a serious accident can be devastating for you and your family. If your injuries were serious, you will more than likely need to take time off of work, which will make supporting your household next to impossible.

Thankfully, you may be able to pursue compensation for the damage you’ve suffered by filing a personal injury claim. A Skokie personal injury lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC will conduct a thorough investigation to determine who is responsible for your injuries and calculate how much your claim is actually worth. Then, we’ll fight hard for every dollar you’re owed.

Incidents That Warrant a Skokie Personal Injury Claim

Almost any type of accident can warrant a personal injury claim. The key to a viable personal injury lawsuit is the ability to prove negligence on the part of another party.

If someone else is responsible for your accident and resulting injuries, you will more than likely be able to file a Skokie personal injury claim against that party. Some of the most common types of incidents that lead to injury claims include the following:

Your attorney will work tirelessly to examine the evidence and establish liability so we can hold the at-fault party financially accountable for his or her actions. Although each type of accident may implicate different at-fault parties, we have the experience to determine how the accident occurred and who should be held responsible in your unique case.

Damages You Can Recover

To get the most out of your claim, we will need to consider each and every way in which your life has been affected and will continue to be affected by the injuries you suffered. We will do this by working closely with your physician to determine the extent of your injuries. Both your economic and non-economic damages will be taken into consideration when calculating the value of your claim.

Economic damages are those that have impacted your life financially. These could include your medical expenses, your property damage, your lost wages, and any damage to your future earning potential, such as contributions to your retirement, advancements in your salary, and bonuses you might have earned.

Your non-economic damages are the ones that have impacted your emotional state and lifestyle. Some of these might include your pain and suffering, the loss of enjoyment of life, the effects of disfigurement, mental anguish, and loss of companionship or love.

Although non-economic damages are often more difficult to quantify, your personal injury attorney in Skokie will ensure that every single loss is taken into account when establishing what your claim is worth. That way, you can be awarded a sum that will actually meet your needs.

Talk to a Skokie Personal Injury Attorney

If you are interested in discussing the details of your accident with a Skokie personal injury lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC, fill out the contact form below or give our office a call at 312-332-1400 to schedule your free consultation today.

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