If you have suffered serious injuries in a tractor-trailer collision, you can recover your losses by holding the at-fault party accountable for his or her negligent actions. Get in touch with an Oak Lawn truck crash lawyer for help filing your claim.
Standard vehicles are simply no match for the power of an 18-wheeler. Tractor-trailers weigh tens of thousands of pounds, and when another vehicle collides with one, it is not uncommon for drivers and passengers alike to endure devastating injuries.
Injuries this severe often require extensive medical treatment and physical therapy to regain maximum function in the affected body parts. This also usually means that you’ll need to remain out of work for the duration of your recovery.
Unfortunately, countless Americans do not have the savings necessary to support time off of work during the recuperation process. Your Oak Lawn truck accident lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC understands that you need access to compensation now so your life won’t be any more impacted than it needs to be.
We will investigate the cause of the accident to establish liability and quantify your losses accordingly so you are able to achieve full compensation for your damages.
A number individuals and entities could have contributed to the cause of your semi-truck wreck and resulting injuries. Typically, the driver who was operating the 18-wheeler will be found at least partially responsible for your losses.
This could be due to drunk, distracted, or aggressive driving, but perhaps most often, truckers are found liable when they were driving while fatigued. In addition to the truck driver, anyone who is involved in the safety, maintenance, and operation of the big rig could hold some fault for causing your injuries. These parties might include the following:
If any of the aforementioned entities was negligent and that negligence caused your accident, they should be responsible for compensating you for the harm you’ve suffered. A truck accident lawyer in Oak Lawn will work hard to make sure that happens.
Every area of your life that has been affected by your injuries should be accounted for when calculating how much your Oak Lawn truck crash claim is worth. Your attorney will work closely with your physician to obtain a full understanding of both your current medical expenses and the expected impact of your injuries in the future.
When discussing the effects of your injuries, it’s critical that you don’t leave any detail out, as even a loss you might consider minor should be covered by the at-fault party. Damages that should be considered in your claim include the following:
Your economic damages, or the ones that have a direct impact on your finances, should be relatively simple to quantify. Your non-economic damages, or those that have an impact on your lifestyle and emotional state, will be more of a challenge, as each person experiences these differently. In any case, the person or group liable for your injuries should be financially responsible for your damages.
When you’re ready to begin the process of filing a civil lawsuit against the person who caused your truck accident, reach out to an experienced attorney at Lane Brown, LLC.
We are proud to offer our prospective clients a free case review. You can take advantage of this opportunity by completing the quick contact form we have placed at the bottom of this page or by giving an Oak Lawn truck accident lawyer a call at 312-332-1400.