If you suffered a serious injury due to an error in a dental procedure and are considering a malpractice claim against the responsible dental professional, get in touch with an experienced Chicago dental malpractice attorney.
Whether you underwent a routine procedure or needed to have extensive dental work done, the professional who was responsible for your treatment had an obligation to provide you with an adequate level of care. When a careless mistake has caused you further injury and had devastating effects on your life, you could be entitled to compensation for your suffering.
A Chicago dental malpractice lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC is prepared to help you bring a medical malpractice claim against the dentist, nurse, dental assistant, or anyone else who might have contributed to your injuries. You can hold them accountable for their mistakes and secure the compensation you need to move forward with your life.
Mistakes can be made in any type of dental procedure, but not every mistake calls for a medical malpractice lawsuit. You’ll be able to file a civil suit when the negligent actions of the medical professional in question have caused you to be harmed in some way.
More often than not, dental errors occur when administering medication or anesthesia, during the treatment of dental implants, in oral surgical procedures, or in the diagnosis or misdiagnosis of a dental health condition.
When a dental professional makes any of these types of mistakes when he or she should have the experience and skills necessary to provide the required treatment and care, that party should be compelled to cover any and all costs you’ve incurred as a result of the error. A dental malpractice lawyer in Chicago can make sure that happens.
Errors in dental care cause serious damage that has the potential to harm your day-to-day life. Your Chicago dental error attorney will work hard to quantify your losses and maximize the value of your claim. Some of the damages that might be included in your claim include the following:
In the event that the court determines that the actions of the defendant were particularly negligent or intended to cause harm, you could be awarded a sum of punitive damages that could dramatically increase the amount of your final award.
When a trusted medical professional like a dentist or someone who works in a dental office fails to provide the expected level of care, he or she should be held accountable and compelled to repay you for the resulting damage.
Working with an attorney can be the best way to make sure all of your losses are accounted for. We’re prepared to help you achieve full compensation.
If you believe your dentist or someone in your dental office made a harmful mistake in your dental care and you are interested in discussing a potential medical malpractice case, speak with a qualified lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC. We’re ready to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
Contact our office at 312-332-1400 or simply fill out the contact form below to schedule your free case evaluation with a Chicago dental malpractice lawyer.