After you experience a Chicago car accident, you’ll likely be shaken up. If you’re injured, it’s important to seek medical help and get treated for your injuries. Once you begin recovering, you can assess what happened in a clearer light. If you didn’t cause your car accident, you’ll want and need to determine who did.
You will likely have to discuss the details of your accident with your own car insurance company. It’s important that you cooperate with your own company, but be very careful if a representative of the at-fault driver’s insurance company contacts you.
They both say that they want to hear what your case is about, and your own company may very well provide you with assistance. The other driver’s insurer wants only one thing. They want to pay you as little as they possibly can to get out of your case! Period. But giving your insurance agent a statement of what happened isn’t the same as filing a claim.
If you want the most money for the damages you suffered, filing a lawsuit may be a smart move. A Chicago car accident lawyer from Lane Brown, LLC can give you guidance on how to proceed with your case.
The first thing to know about insurance companies is that they know how to negotiate a settlement, and they will be ready, willing and able to take advantage of you. When speaking to an insurance agent, you may receive a swift settlement offer, and when that happens, it is almost always a strategic move on their part to get you to settle for something less than what you are entitled to.
By offering you a fast settlement, they want you to accept a lower amount of money than you deserve. In reality, you should be seeking justice against the liable party in your accident.
Insurance companies rarely care whether the settlement they offer you is fair. They’re more concerned with their own finances and saving money. When you are represented by an attorney, you’ll know that the lawyer has your best interest in mind. This is because you’ll be recovering compensation from the at-fault party in your case. That party should have to pay you for what they’ve done.
You have a right to compensation when you’ve been injured in a Chicago car accident. The question is, how do you plan to receive that money? By working with an experienced attorney from Lane Brown, LLC, you’ll receive support through every step of the claims process.
If you’re ready to schedule a free consultation with a Chicago car accident lawyer from our team, call 312-332-1400 or fill out the contact form below.