In order to recover full compensation in cases involving serious or fatal car accidents, our attorneys work to identify all factors involved. One question our lawyers always investigate is: “Did a motor vehicle defect cause the crash?” Attorneys at Lane Brown, LLC, in Chicago, Illinois, work with accident reconstructionists and other scientific experts to identify those cases, and recover compensation for our clients through product liability claims.
If you suspect a manufacturing or design defect caused your auto accident and serious injury, we invite you to contact our office. A lawyer with experience in defective equipment claims will provide a free consultation and case review.
Our attorneys have handled a broad range of claims involving defective equipment. We sometimes discover, as we prepare a case, that a car accident injury apparently caused by weather or driver error actually was the result of a defective tire or poor design. Examples of motor vehicle defects that have caused injury and wrongful death include the following:
If you or a member of your family was injured by a dangerous or defective tire, seat belt or other motor vehicle product, please contact the product liability attorneys at Lane Brown, LLC, in Chicago, Illinois, to arrange a free initial consultation. We can be reached toll free at 312-332-1400 or by e-mail.