The Victims of Taxi Accidents May Suffer Severe Head and Facial Injuries

When you slide into the back seat of a cab after a long day at work, you probably don’t see the plastic or glass divider between you and the driver as a threat. However, if something goes wrong on the road or an accident happens, that partition could be the source of extremely serious injuries to your face and head. In fact, these kinds of injuries are surprisingly common in taxi accidents, and the risk may be bigger than you think.

Why Are Head and Facial Injuries So Common in Taxi Accidents?

Cab drivers are known for aggressive driving, sudden stops and starts, unexpected lane changes, and other dangerous driving behaviors. While not every cabbie is reckless, many Chicago commuters have stories of at least one or two rides in their lifetimes that featured some questionable choices on the part of the driver. Unfortunately, when a cab stops suddenly or collides with an object or person outside, the jolt can mean that the cab’s passengers are thrown forward with a remarkable amount of force. In a regular passenger car, anyone in the back seat would impact the headrests or open air. However, in a cab, back-seat occupants can be thrown directly into a sheet glass or metal edge.

The partitions that separate drivers from passengers in a cab are usually made of thick glass or very hard plastic. They usually don’t have much “give,” so passengers’ heads or faces may be severely injured. This is a real risk, even with minor accidents or unexpected maneuvers on the road. Passengers in a cab may be shocked at just how badly a minor accident can hurt when they make contact with the partition, the credit card machine, dispatch devices, cup holders, metal edges, or other hard surfaces inside the vehicle.

Types of Injuries to the Head and Face That Result From Cab Accidents

Passengers in the back seat of a cab can be very vulnerable when a sudden stop or accident throws them head-first into a hard partition or sharp object. Their injuries might include:

  • Tooth fractures
  • Broken noses and facial bones
  • Cuts, bruises, and scarring
  • Brain injuries

While their recovery from these potentially serious injuries may be very costly, some victims have a hard time convincing the drivers, cab companies, and insurance companies of the cost and severity of the accident. This is part of the reason why it’s so important to get an attorney involved with your case as soon as possible after you’ve been hurt.

Getting Help If You or Family Member Has Been Hurt in a Taxi Wreck

Head and facial injuries can be severe and disfiguring, sometimes requiring multiple surgeries and long-term treatment. In some cases, victims can struggle with chronic pain and continuing symptoms for years following the accident. Because these types of injuries can have such a big impact on a victim’s life, and because facial injuries often require the skill of medical specialists and plastic surgeries, the treatment can also be extremely costly.

While victims can’t change what has happened to them, they do potentially have the right to hold the cab driver or company responsible for acting recklessly and causing their injuries—but they will need experienced legal help to have the best chance at success.

If you have pressing questions about something that has happened to you or a family member in an accident with a Chicago cab, contact our experienced attorneys at 312-332-1400 today.

Asiana Airlines said on Monday that it would enhance training for pilots seeking to convert to flying new aircraft, part of a series of measures it is undertaking after the fatal crash of an Boeing 777 plane in San Francisco.

Three Chinese teenagers were killed and over 180 people injured when the Asiana flight from Seoul crash-landed at San Francisco’s international airport on July 6.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said although both the pilot and co-pilot were experienced, they had not flown together before.  The pilot in charge of landing was in training on the 777 and the co-pilot was acting as an instructor on his first flight.

“We will bolster our training programme…when a pilot converts to a jet from a different manufacturer,” Asiana said in a presentation to the government, which was shown to reporters.

The new measures will include enhancing training for visual approach and automated flight and conducting flight inspection on airports which are “vulnerable to safety.”

Asiana said it will also seek to improve communications skills among crew members, and introduce a system to manage “fatigue risk.”  Other measures include setting up separate maintenance teams for Boeing and Airbus planes, and enhancing safety management systems.

If you or a loved one have been injured in plane crash, you may be able to take action.  Airplane crashes can result from pilot error, construction or design defects, or other causes of mechanical failure including poor maintenance.  We can help! Please contact the attorneys at Lane Brown, LLC at (312) 332-1400 or visit our website at



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