When a loved one suffers a traumatic brain injury (TBI), it is a scary and confusing time for everyone involved. Speaking frankly to the medical time and asking questions can help provide clarity and peace of mind. Following are some questions that you should be sure to ask:


What is the severity of the brain injury my loved one received?

Various medical scales assess and describe the degree of injury, and help to determine necessary medical care and potential recovery time for the patient. These scales measure, among other things, eye response, verbal response, and motor response.


What are the most important first steps and how will these things help my loved one?

Asking this question builds clear and open communication between family members and the medical team. Not only does it help to establish a sense of medical accountability for medical care providers, it also helps family members to understand the healing process in its entirety.


What can we, as family members, do to be more helpful?

Family members may wish to bring pictures, clothing, music, and other comfort items from home in order to help the injured person recover more quickly. In addition, medical personnel can help families understand the personal lifestyle changes and additional treatment steps that will be necessary once the injured person goes home.


What daily care tasks can we, as family members, be trained to perform at home?

Depending on the severity of the TBI, family members may be needed to help with bathing, feeding, dressing, and daily at-home therapy. Medical personnel can help families to understand the requirements in addition to providing training.


What therapies are relevant to this particular TBI, and how do we know what to focus on?

Your loved one may need various types of therapy with qualified medical professionals to relearn skills such as eating, walking, talking, and dressing. In addition, family members may be needed to assist with at-home therapy.

Knowing the answers to the basic questions listed above can help provide a measure of peace during an otherwise stressful and overwhelming situation. If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI in an accident, the nationally recognized personal injury attorneys at Lane Brown can help. Contact a Chicago brain injury attorney today at 312-332-1400 for a free consultation. We will review your case carefully and help you to understand your legal options.




A jury in Los Angeles last Friday awarded $8.3 million to a man who accused a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson of knowingly marketing a faulty hip implant that was later recalled. It was the first of approximately 10,000 lawsuits which have already been brought, with many more sure to come throughout at least the United States. The basis for the cases is its design which places metal on metal components in a way that can cause metal poisoning and other health issues. The Wall Street Journal noted that, in a statement issued after Friday’s ruling, DePuy spokesperson Lorie Gawreluk said the company maintains that the ASR XL hip implants were not designed defectively and it is planing to appeal the decision, based on the results of post-trial motions.  The jurors who heard the case, however, clearly disagreed.  After the verdict, one juror reportedly stated that he “wanted punitive damages”, citing “evidence that DePuy took too long to correct problems found with the device.” In August, 2010, Johnson & Johnson is reported to have recalled 93,000 of the implants, when it said 12 percent failed within five years. Meanwhile, analysts are projecting that overall, lawsuits over the device “could cost J&J billions of dollars to resolve.”  For more information about our firm, and how you can take action for your injuries, please contact us at 312-332-1400 or visit our website at lanebrownlaw.com.



Nearly every day, stories of distracted drivers injuring themselves or others appear in the news. Sometimes, these injuries are minor—damaging cars and leaving victims with minor scratches. Other times, individuals are left in serious condition in local hospitals—if they are lucky enough to survive.

Unfortunately, distracted drivers are only one of the serious concerns that road construction site workers must be aware of while on the job.

Whether other motorists, other construction site workers, or machinery causes the injuries, the damage can sometimes be life altering.  A few common road construction injuries include:

  • Head injuries and brain damage
  • Spinal injuries including paralysis and crushed vertebrae
  • Broken bones
  • Amputations from crushed or severed limbs
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Death


Any one of these injuries, and the countless others, could end a career in construction in an instant. In order to help prevent road construction injuries, workers should do the following:

  • Pay attention and look for blind spots. With multiple pieces of construction equipment parked close together, visibility is reduced, increasing the likelihood of rollover or backover accidents.
  • Wear proper work attire including high visibility articles such as vests, jackets, and helmets with reflective stripes.
  • Follow “safe-flagging” procedures including right set-up, right spacing, right practices, and right attire.
  • Stay alert for unsafe working conditions such as uneven surfaces, congested traffic zones, and other worker’s behaviors.


Taking extra care on the job can help prevent many road construction accidents. However, if you are injured in an Illinois road construction site accident due to the carelessness or negligence of another, be sure to seek the legal counsel of an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney at Lane Brown. Our nationally recognized workplace injury lawyers will make it a priority to fight for your rights and ensure justice is served. Contact us today at 312-332-1400 to schedule a free consultation.

The transition between winter and spring often proves to be a dangerous time for Chicago drivers. Weather can be very erratic, changing from warm and rainy conditions during the day, to cold and snowy overnight. The quickly changing conditions can create hazardous city roadways for area drivers.

In an effort to help keep you safe on crowded Chicago roadways, here are a few adverse weather driving safety tips to consider before heading out in your car:

Check the local news and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) web site for vital travel and safety information.
Do not go out on the roads unless you absolutely have to.
Allow extra time for travel. Be sure to give yourself time to slow down or take a different route if needed.
Be sure your headlights are working properly. Travel with your headlights on their standard setting during rain, snow, or fog—high beams will not help you to see better in adverse weather.
Be sure your wiper blades are in proper working order.
Clear your windows completely of snow or ice and do not start driving until they have defrosted completely.
Pull over if you are caught driving in the middle of an intense Illinois rainstorm or a blinding snowstorm and feel unsafe. Find a safe place to stop and wait until conditions improve before continuing.

If you have been involved in a serious auto accident, be sure to seek the counsel of a highly qualified Chicago car accident attorney to receive answers to your questions and help your assert your legal rights. The compassionate and skilled attorneys at Lane Brown will take the time to fully hear your case, examine the details, and help you to understand your legal options. Call 312-332-1400 today for your free consultation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 4 million babies were born in the United States in 2011. On average, six birth injuries occurred for every 1,000 live births—approximately 24,000 birth injuries per year.

Some of these injuries occur due to insufficient, inadequate, or negligent care provided by a physician.

Following are the steps your doctor should complete to reduce your risk of serious complications during labor and delivery:

  1. Take a complete medical history early in the pregnancy, keeping record of high-risk pregnancy factors including weight, age, and health.
  2. Perform prenatal tests including ultrasounds, blood-glucose tests, and stress tests on both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy. These tests will allow the doctor to monitor the baby’s development.
  3. Discuss birthing methods, addressing the associated risks and benefits of each.
  4. Talk about possible complications and explain assistive delivery methods prior to delivery to help eliminate confusion during labor.


Open and honest communication with your doctor is an important tool for reducing your risk of complications during childbirth. When you clearly communicate your questions, concerns, and symptoms, your doctor can take immediate steps to reduce your risk of a Chicago birth injury.

If your child suffered a serious birth injury and you are looking for a qualified Chicago birth injury lawyer to answer your questions, contact Lane Brown at 312-332-1400. Our knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys can help you find the answers you are looking for during a confidential and free case evaluation.

If you are considering a trip on a Megabus, you have probably heard some of the pros and cons of riding the bus line.

Rave reviews speak of cheap ticket prices, free Wi-Fi, and convenient travel. However, complaints can range from simple inconveniences like late arrivals and spotty Wi-Fi connections, to serious problems such as roadside mechanical failures, incompetent bus drivers, or tragic accidents that result in injury or death.

Once on the road, passengers have little control over bus safety or the circumstances of their trip. The following tips may decrease your chance of suffering injury and help reduce the stress of your bus ride. First, take some basic precautions before boarding the bus:

Check the bus exterior to determine whether it appears to be in good working order and the lights work properly.
Listen for odd sounding noises that may indicate mechanical problems.
Verify that your driver is alert and attentive as you board the bus.
Find out whether a second driver is available on a long trip—riding along, or available at a scheduled stop.

If you feel any reason for concern before leaving, do not stay on the bus. Although tragic Megabus accidents are rare, they do happen. Mechanical failures, poor road conditions, and driver capabilities can trigger a Chicago bus crash.

In addition to some basic precautions, the following stress relievers should make your trip more pleasant:

Arrive early—at least 30-45 minutes before your scheduled departure so that you have plenty of time to find the correct bus.
Check the weather and dress accordingly. Stops are typically outdoors—leaving passengers exposed to the elements.
Pack snacks for your trip to make sure you have access to food when you get hungry.

Once your trip on Megabus begins, your safety becomes the responsibility of the transportation company. It is their primary duty to keep you safe while providing you with their transport service. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, an experienced Chicago vehicle accident attorney can help. The attorneys at Lane Brown have been serving Illinois residents for many years, and will put our knowledge to work for you. Contact us today at 312-332-1400 for a fast and free consultation.

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