
Prevent a Chicago Car Crash With S.T.O.P. – Not Just a Word on a Sign


Residential neighborhoods outside of a downtown setting are an ideal place for many individuals to live in. You may be one of these people. Sidewalks, bright streetlights, large yards, and tree-lined streets draw families with children, empty nesters looking for a quieter place to live, or even the individual looking for the benefits of city... Read More

Recent Studies Prove That Words Can Hurt!


Our parents and teachers taught us that name-calling and other forms of verbal teasing can't really hurt us. I can't possibly give an accurate count of the number of times I was told that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." That old adage is now being called into... Read More

How You Can Best Help Your Attorney During Your Sexual Abuse Case


If you’ve been the victim of a horrific event, like sexual abuse for instance, the experience can be life shattering. Learning to get through the day-to-day activities of life can be an overwhelming ordeal. If you are a family member watching your loved one go through this process, the experience can have its own effects... Read More

The Downward Spiral Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Illinois


For victims of childhood sexual abuse, the experience can oftentimes be one that lasts for an extended amount of time. From the time that initial contact is made between an unsuspecting victim and the adult perpetrator, to the time that a victim can finally, and openly, admit that the abuse happened—life can change dramatically. For... Read More

Chicago Liable—$16 million—for Employee’s Drunken Driving Accident


One would think that a city struggling through financial hardship would take every precautionary measure possible to reduce unnecessary spending. In some cases, simple changes to policy can save a city thousands of dollars that could be put to use to help improve the community. However, in Chicago’s case, one lack of policy will end... Read More

Airbag Recalls Prove Your Car May Not Be as Safe as You Thought


Car crashes happen every day. Some are serious, some are minor. No matter the severity, every crash leaves us, as drivers, a little shaken up, more acutely aware of the roadways afterwards, and in some cases, severely injured. But did you know that in many cases, those accident-related injuries are not directly caused by the... Read More

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