
Why Did Your Loved One Die in an Emergency Room?


It was not the outcome you expected. You knew your spouse was sick—seriously ill. That is why you rushed her to the emergency room at Skokie Hospital in the middle of the night. Yet, you still have many questions about why your spouse died. Was it really the result of the underlying illness or injury... Read More

How to Prevent Distracted Driving Accidents


Two recent studies looked at the effect of cell phone bans and texting bans on car accidents. One study, published in Science Direct, found that California’s handheld cell phone ban had no effect on reducing car accidents. Another study, published in the Journal of American Health, found that texting while driving bans have reduced teen... Read More

How to Protect Your Child After a Chicago Car Crash


It doesn’t matter if your child is an infant or a teen—the news is equally devastating. Your child has suffered a brain injury, a spinal cord injury, a broken bone, or another painful injury that significantly impacts his life. You can’t go back and prevent the crash that caused the injury, but there are things... Read More

Inaction Is Inexcusable After Child Sex Abuse


None of the reasons schools, churches, youth groups, or other entities use to explain why they failed to report child sex abuse are good enough. None of them excuse the inaction of the adults we trusted to protect our children in Skokie, Northbrook, and other Chicago-area communities. These Arguments Don’t Work The supervisors at an... Read More

Truck Driver Negligence Can Trigger a Fatal Truck Crash


July 21, 2014, was a deadly afternoon on I-55—two fatal truck accidents occurred within three miles and 16 minutes. The first accident occurred south of Arsenal Road, killing four people. A few minutes later, another accident occurred three miles north of the first one, killing another person. What Caused These Fatal Accidents? While the cause... Read More

Will Your Child Recover After Sex Abuse?


The unthinkable has happened. An adult whom you trusted to care for your child has abused him in an intimate and cruel way. It wasn’t a stranger on the street who hurt your child, but rather a scout leader, a youth group advisor, or a team coach. As much as you’d like to turn back... Read More

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