
Children Suffer Long-Term Effects in Truck Accidents


Children Are Vulnerable to Long-Term Physical and Emotional Difficulties After a Truck Wreck A child’s mind and body are still developing, so an impact with a heavy commercial truck at a young age can have a long-term effect on his or her wellbeing. While the injuries are not always visible or obvious immediately after the... Read More

Successful Car Accident Injury Claims Are Built on Honesty


Being Honest Can Help You Recover After a Serious Car Accident If you have been fighting with another driver’s insurance company for payment of your medical bills and other expenses, you may be tempted to bend the truth a little—but don’t give in. Honesty is always the best policy in an injury claim, and that... Read More

Technology Creates Risks for Child Sexual Abuse


Child Sexual Abuse Can Occur Online or Through a Smartphone In today’s world, an overwhelming number of teenagers have personal cell phones or smartphones, and it’s even common for much younger children to have phones or tablets of their own. Children have online access at home, at school, and on the go—and it’s incredibly difficult... Read More

Documenting Emotional Damages After a Car Accident


Recovering Compensation for Emotional Injuries Means Documenting Your Symptoms and Care It isn’t easy to put a price on the emotional pain and psychological symptoms that you and your family members experience after you’ve been hurt in a major wreck. Unlike purely physical injuries, you probably won’t receive an itemized bill that reflects the real... Read More

Don’t Give the Insurance Company These Three Things


Three Things You Shouldn’t Give to the Trucking Company’s Insurance Adjuster Before you understand your rights as the victim of a truck accident, it’s easy to make serious mistakes that might threaten your ability to recover financial compensation for what happened. If you have recently been hurt, here are three things you should avoid giving... Read More

Many Different People May Contact You After a Truck Accident


Who Are All These People Contacting You After Your Truck Accident? You’ve been hit by an 18-wheeler, tractor-trailer, or commercial truck. While you’re at home recovering from your injuries—or even while you’re still in the hospital receiving treatment for the accident—you start getting all kinds of phone calls from different people who want to “help”... Read More

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