
How to Sue for Surgery Complications


When you undergo surgery in Chicago, you may feel nervous because every surgery comes with a risk of complications. Your doctor will warn you of potential risks before you go into surgery. You may even have to sign documentation to protect the doctor from liability. But, this documentation doesn’t protect the doctor from liability if... Read More

Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit: How a Lawyer Can Help


If you were sexually abused as a child in Illinois, you may not feel comfortable coming forward about the abuse until much later in life. Thankfully, the state of Illinois has a twenty-year statute of limitations for child sexual abuse. This statute of limitations doesn’t begin until you turn eighteen and can also begin later... Read More

Do You Have to Call the Police after a Car Accident in Chicago?


When a car accident happens in Chicago, you may be unsure what to do. Depending on the severity of the collision, it can be unclear whether you’re required to call the police. If you know someone else is at fault for your car accident, however, calling the police can be beneficial, regardless of whether you’re... Read More

Sex Abuse by Illinois Clergy: Can I Sue?


Members of the clergy are trusted by adults and children alike. A clergy member’s job is to serve God, and with that occupation, they’re afforded ample power and respect. Unfortunately, in the last few decades, many Illinois clergy members have abused their power and sexually abused their constituents. Many victims of sexual abuse have trouble... Read More

Holding a Drunk Driver Accountable for an Accident


If you’ve been hit by a drunk driver while on the road, it’s understandable to feel both physically and emotionally distressed. Hopefully, you’ve already received medical attention for any injuries you’ve suffered so now you can focus on how to hold the driver accountable for their actions. The legal process may seem daunting when you... Read More

What Are the Warning Signs of Child Sexual Abuse?


Keeping your child safe from physical and emotional harm is a parent’s top priority. It can be terrifying to suspect that a child is suffering from sexual abuse, whether at school, church, or in some other setting. Your child may not speak up about abuse willingly, which is why it’s essential to be aware of... Read More

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