
New Technology Could Provide A Black Box in Every Operating Room!


Exciting new technology could be able to provide a "Black Box" in every operating room. Every time there is a private or commercial airplane crash, investigators retrieve the flight data recorder, known as a "Black Box", to determine what went wrong. The same type of technology has been developed by a Canadian surgeon for use... Read More

Chicago Car Accidents Plus Kids: Dangerous Math for Everyone


School is back in session and thousands of Chicago-area students are immersed in the classrooms learning reading, math, and science. While many parents and guardians worry about the safety of their children at school, one area of safety that you may easily forget about is the time before and after school when kids are traveling.... Read More

Discussion on Injury Prevention Hosted by The Safety Institute


I'm attending the National Discussion of Injury Prevention sponsored by The Safety Institute. What a fantastic collection of professionals who are dedicated to making the world a safer place for all of us and our children! This is the first such conference, and if there is any way that I can attend in the future,... Read More

Following the Rules Could Save Your Child in a Chicago Car Crash


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 20,000 children are saved every year because of properly working and installed child safety seats. In an effort to continue to reduce child injuries and fatalities during car accidents, new standards and regulations are consistently being placed on manufacturers as crash test data is being... Read More

Republican legislators holding victims of medical malpractice hostage!


The Republican congressional leadership today added a demand, in order for them to vote for increasing the U.S. debt ceiling, that medical malpractice actions be limited. If the President and the Democrats in Congress do not agree to limit medical malpractice actions, they will cause the United States of America to default  on its debt obligations. It... Read More

How to Avoid an Attack When Man’s Best Friend Isn’t So Friendly


Most of us love dogs. They are our friends, companions, and for some, members of our families. The image of a cuddly dog snuggling up with our children at night may bring a smile to our faces. But unnecessary dog bite attacks ruin that playful image of man’s best friend. We may be left wondering... Read More

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