
Distracted Driving Can Take on Many Forms


April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. As the name suggests, the purpose of this safety campaign is to raise public awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. As a result, the National Safety Council is specifically urging the public to become aware of the hazards associated with using a cell phone while driving. However,... Read More

Seven Ways Sexual Abuse Without Physical Contact Can Occur


Your child was not touched inappropriately by anybody—for that you are grateful. However, what did happen to your child was appalling at best and permanently harmful at worst. As a result, you may be wondering whether your child was sexually abused without physical contact. It is Possible Sexual abuse can take many different forms. It... Read More

What to Do When You Witness a Truck Accident


It wasn’t you who got hurt. As the horror of the Chicago Skyway truck crash you witnessed plays over and over again in your mind, you are thankful that your vehicle was not involved and that you were not physically injured. Still, you cannot get those who were hurt out of your mind. You Can... Read More

Chicago Employees Find Hidden Restroom Camera In Shocking Privacy Breach


Few places in society suggest a greater need for privacy than a restroom. While we may anticipate that cameras might be in use in public spaces, who among us would expect cameras to be placed inside a bathroom? The answer is likely no one, and the thought is truly unsettling. When using the bathroom, we... Read More

The Question Surrounding Semi Speed Limits: to Speed or Not to Speed


Last August in 2013, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed new legislation that increased the speed limit on our state’s rural interstate highways to 70 mph, putting us in line with more than two-dozen other states that have already instituted such measures. One group of drivers on the road couldn’t be happier about this new measure:... Read More

Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys Take on Teaching


Have you ever wondered what personal injury attorneys do in their spare time? Watching sports, spending time with family and friends, and traveling are commonly found on many “spare time to-do lists.” However, if we, as attorneys, work as hard as you do, then you might understand how “spare time” can often seem like a... Read More

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