
Common Head Injuries That Can Occur After a Truck Crash


You know that the crash that just occurred on the Eisenhower Expressway, the Edens Expressway, or another Chicago road was bad. The truck that hit you was big, and the force was significant. The wreckage is substantial, and you are left stunned and scared. You hit your head, but you do not yet know how... Read More

A Toddler May Face Leg Amputation After a Lawn Mower Injury


Recently, an 18-month-old child was run over by a lawn mower at a home daycare in Wichita, Kansas. The child was rushed to a local hospital in critical condition; her leg injury was so severe that she may face a below-knee amputation. She was later transferred to a Kansas City hospital in hopes that doctors... Read More

What to Do If You Suspect an Employee of Child Sex Abuse


The thought is horrifying. Someone whom you trusted to work at your business and to be around children is committing child sex abuse. As an employer, it is important that you know exactly what to do to protect the children who may be hurt, to prevent the employee from doing any further damage, and to... Read More

How a Lawyer Helps Truck Crash Victims With Spinal Injuries


You have no doubt about what happened. You know who caused your recent truck accident on I-94, I-290, or another Chicago-area road, and you know it was the truck accident that caused your spinal cord injury. You might expect that the trucker, the trucking company, and the insurance company also know the truth. However, unless... Read More

The Danger of Falling Debris: What Chicagoans Needs to Know


How often do you look up when you walk the streets of Chicago? Do you worry about things falling from the sky and causing you harm? It might not be a danger that you think of often, but it is one that you might want to consider going forward. Consider What Happened to One Chicago... Read More

Don’t Do These Things If Your Child Is Sexually Abused


You are furious. You trusted your child with a soccer coach in Arlington Heights, a camp counselor in Chicago, or a youth advisor in Northbrook and that adult not only failed to keep your child safe, but that adult also actively hurt your child in a way that no child should be ever be hurt.... Read More

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