
Protecting Teens: National Teen Driver Safety Week


In 2007, the United States Congress designated the third week of October as National Teen Driver Safety Week. As we approach the event this year, what will you do to keep your own child and others safe? Here Are Some Ideas The actions that you take for National Teen Driver Safety Week should be designed... Read More

What Not to Say to an Insurance Adjuster After a Crash


The insurance adjuster calls and he seems nice enough. He seems interested in how your injuries are affecting your life and eager for you to make a full and fast recovery. Unfortunately, you can’t trust him. The insurance adjuster assigned to your case is not looking out for your best interests. Instead, he is looking... Read More

How to Recover From a Commuting Accident


We could spend a lot of time talking about the different ways that you could avoid an accident while you commute to work. That discussion is important, and you can find information on how to avoid accidents in the related-links section on this page. However, it is not the focus of this blog post for... Read More

Signs of Drowsy Driving That Every Motorist Should Know


Drowsy driving is a serious problem that rivals driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation reports that 60 percent of American motorists admit to having driven while fatigued in the past, and 37 percent of drivers admit to having fallen asleep while driving in the past twelve months.... Read More

Important Resources for Parents of Sexually Abused Children


Your child is suffering from the horrific acts of child sex abuse committed by a priest in Chicago, a teacher in Glenview, a youth group advisor in Arlington Heights, or another trusted adult in the Chicago area. The damage has been done. You would like to go back and prevent your child from ever experiencing... Read More

What a Medical Malpractice Brain Injury May Cost You


As you sit by your loved one’s bedside, it can be hard to predict all of the possible costs of a brain injury. It is difficult to imagine all of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of a doctor’s negligence. However, it is also important to plan for the future after a medical malpractice incident... Read More

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