
Negligent and Abusive Doctors Still Able to Practice Medicine


When you turn to medical professionals, you like to think that they have a spotless record and that you can trust them to uphold their oath to protect your health and safety. What people don’t often know, however, is that many negligent and abusive doctors are still able to practice medicine. Not knowing whether your... Read More

Gathering Evidence to Prove Sexual Abuse


Victims of sexual abuse or assault have experienced trauma no one should have to endure. If it has happened to you, try to remember that you aren’t alone. In addition to family and friends who care about your wellbeing, you have a qualified legal team at our firm ready to help you reclaim your life... Read More

Helping a Sexual Assault Victim Recover


Sexual abuse is one of the most traumatic incidents a person can be forced to endure. It is not uncommon for survivors of sexual assault to suffer from low self-worth, feelings of guilt, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an attack. It’s not an easy thing to overcome on your own. If you have a... Read More

What Makes Distracted Driving Dangerous?


There are thousands of car accidents across Illinois every day. One of the most common culprits in the cause of these collisions is distracted driving. This occurs when a driver is distracted by something that takes his or her focus off of the road. Common distractions include cell phones, navigation systems, searching for something, other... Read More

Who’s liable in a construction accident?


Construction work sites are among the most dangerous places to work.  As a result, accidents at construction sites are a fairly common occurrence.  Although safety is always part of the equation on any job site, sometimes injuries and deaths happen. An injury or death is always sure to raise legal issues as construction employees seek... Read More

Arguments to prove a product liability case


As a consumer, if you feel you are the victim of a product or service that caused you emotional, financial or physical harm, you may want to seek compensation through legal means. A product liability lawyer has many possible legal arguments on which to base a case and help you recover damages. Negligence – To... Read More

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