Don’t Neglect Yourself After Your Child Has Been Sexually Abused
The headline of this article may sound somewhat controversial. Why should you worry about yourself when your child has been seriously violated and hurt by a sexual predator? This is not about you, your feelings, or your recovery. Right now, you are focused on helping your child to get through this ordeal.
You Are Your Child’s Best Chance at Recovery
That is the reason why you need to take care of yourself. If you bury your emotions and fail to find an outlet for what has happened, it may be difficult to be strong for your child in the months and years ahead. Although everyone has a different way of dealing with strong emotions like grief, anger, and guilt, you may wish to consider the following:
- Talking to your friends or a professional counselor. You may benefit from talking with someone whom you do not have to be “on” for or worry about upsetting.
- Maintaining your typical routine. This may include work and exercise, for example.
You may also benefit, and thereby help your child, by being proactive about your child’s possible recovery.
Allow a Lawyer to Pursue a Legal Recovery
You may want to see justice done. An experienced lawyer can help protect your child by fighting for his recovery from sexual abuse injuries in a Chicago school, a Northbrook church, a Des Plaines locker room, or anywhere else in the greater Chicago area.
For more information, please contact us today. You may also wish to follow us on Facebook to stay current on important information for families of child sex abuse victims.